Afterburner: Whittle vs. Whittle

The Lynching

That this is the most compelling 10 minutes I’ve seen on the Zimmerman trial and its aftermath does not mean that it accounts for the entire story. Bill Whittle himself  said, “I’m not here to retry this case, but I am here to skim it.” All the more reason why it’s incredibly telling that his treatment of the subject is far more informative than most major news coverage.

But what happened to Whittle’s commitment to evidence in his What We Did Right offering below? The part of that video that addresses Afghanistan is outside the scope of this exercise. I have plenty to say on that front, but it just muddies the waters when you start lumping everything together — which is precisely what Whittle is doing by design by roping 9/11 into Iraq. In The Lynching he makes sound arguments to counter those who indiscriminately conflate race relations with the Zimmerman trial. But then he turns on a dime to defend the invasion of Iraq — becoming a blind apologist just like the very people he so effectively argued against in The Lynching.

Just Exhibit A alone crushes Whittle’s common claim that “every intelligence agency in the world thought that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.” As I said in the documentary:

Those tortured talking points need to be put out of their misery — and I know of no one better for that than Greg Thielmann. I emailed him to ask how he would respond to Whittle’s common claim, and one of the most telling aspects to his answer was the technicality of literal truth in the manufactured myth. Thielmann acknowledged that nearly everybody thought that Saddam had hidden away some mustard agent left over from the 1980s, but he added that the Bush administration did not make its case for war on the strength of suspicions that Iraq retained World War One-era munitions. It’s the second half of that statement that Whittle & Company conveniently ignore.

And like with The Lynching, there’s so much more to tell. I could do a separate documentary that looks at all the other intelligence, as well as one that addresses how the war was waged. There’s a mountain of additional material out there, and I hated having to leave it out of my debut documentary, but as I said in my program:

The media typically rushes over everything and explains NOTHING. I am taking the opposite approach with my isolated look at the aluminum tubes — and insight into that intelligence scheme is a roadmap to the rest.

But in Whittle’s world, there’s nothing more to see — for he has surrendered his intellect in service of ulterior motives, which is exactly how Trayvon apologists behave in their abysmal abuse of common sense. Take any of the empty arguments by the purveyors of poppycock in either one of these issues and you’ll find that they fit squarely into the Principles of Propaganda.



What We Did Right



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